347 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp
Contact: Lt. (N) Curan
Phone: 250-319-3461
Email: darrin.curran@cadet.gc.ca
Or Gerry Sask
Phone: 250-457-5309
Email: kgsask@telus.net
Ash-Creek TV Society
Contact: Damien Couture
Phone: 250-457-0543
Ashcroft Communities in Bloom
Contact: Andrea Walker
Phone: 250-453-9402
Contact: Marijke Stott
Phone: 250-453-0050
Ashcroft & District Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Store
601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0
Phone: 250-453-9944
Ashcroft Royal Purple
Mailing Address: Box 552 Cache Creek, BC V0K 1H0
Meets: 2nd Tues @ 11 am Cache Creek Community Hall
PRESIDENT: Jackie Daoust
P: 250-457-9122
E: jmldao@telus.net
Phone: 250-457-9122
Kinsmen Club of South Cariboo
Contact: Dave
Phone: 250-453-9062
SCI Thompson River, B.C. Chapter
Contact: Ken Brown
Phone: 250-453-9415
Second Time Around
201 Railway Ave., Ashcroft BC
Contact: Laura
Phone: 250-457-9394
Contact: Anne
Phone: 250-457-9781
The Royal Canadian Legion #113
301 Brink St., Ashcroft BC. V0K 1A0
Phone: 250-453-2423
Fax: 250-453-9625