Located in the brick “Dominion” building, built in 1917, the Ashcroft Museum is located at the corner of Brink and 4th Street. Originally the Village Post Office, the Ashcroft Museum moved into the building in 1980.

Considered one of the best museums located in any BC Village, the collection includes artifacts that date back to the early 1900’s and and bears witness to Ashcroft’s “Glory Days”. Displays honour the local Indigenous People, the Chinese community and other pioneers of the area. Ranching, sports, and fossils exhibits are featured on the top floor, as well as one of the most popular displays “the coal mine.” The museum also features a changing display, and each year something new is showcased! The Museum also has extensive archives relating to the history and its pioneer families, and Museum staff is happy to assist visitors who are looking for information.
612 7 St, Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0
250-453-9232 museum@ashcroftbc.caPeter Konikow, Curator
Monday to Friday
9:00am to 4:00pm
Saturday to Sunday
Entrance to the Museum is by donation. Currently, there is no wheelchair accessibility due to the lift being inoperable.