Fish Print

Do you have a WHOLE fish in your freezer that is inedible (freezer burnt, been in your freezer for too long, etc.)?

Try making a fish print!



  • Whole fish (can either be thawed or still slightly frozen)
  • Large paint brush (this will be touching the fish)
  • Paint
  • Container for water
  • Lid for paint
  • Paper that is as long as or a little longer than your fish
  • Newspaper or something (ie, tray, old plastic sheet) to keep your floor or table clean from paint and the fish
  • Paper towel or cloths to wipe up any messes



1. Lay down newspaper or something (ie. tray, old plastic sheet) on your floor or table

2. Pick a colour(s) to paint your fish, put the paint on your lid

3. Put your fish on the newspaper (or tray, or sheet) and using your paint brush, paint the fish from its nose to its tail

4. Once your fish is covered in paint, get your piece of paper and place it on the fish

5. Do not move the paper or fish around once you place the paper on the fish. Gently press the paper down from one side of the fish to the other, making sure every part has been pressed down

6. Carefully lift up the paper (start from one side of the fish and lift towards the other side), trying not to move the fish or paper around because you might smudge the print

7. Put your paper to dry somewhere. *The paper may have a bit of a fishy smell to it, leave it outside to dry and the smell will eventually go away

8. Note: Sometimes the first print will not look the best, it may take a few tries to get the right amount of paint and where you need to press the fish to get the best print