
Bylaws are pieces of legislation governing matters such as tax rates, fire services, fees, council procedures, and so on.  Bylaws are in fact laws, laws that apply only within the Village's jurisdiction.

Bylaws must receive three readings before being read a forth time to receive adoption; all readings must take place in a Council meeting open to the public.  Some bylaws require public notice or even public consultation.  The public will be notified by advertisements in the local newspaper, as per the Community Charter.

Bylaws must be available for public inspection and are available at the Village Office upon request.  We have endeavored to place a current list of Village bylaws below, as well as relevant sections of the Community Charter for your reference.  We will continue to update our bylaw listing when a new bylaw is adopted or an existing bylaw is either amended (changed) or repealed (no longer in force).

Village Bylaws & Policies

When reviewing bylaws, please be aware that there may be amendments to that bylaw which may make changes to provisions found within.  We have attempted to place amendments below the original bylaw for ease of use.  Please start with the section: Frequently Requested Bylaws, and if what you are looking for is not there, move on to the section: Village Bylaw Listing.


All Bylaws relating to Village finances including: annual taxation rates, fees and charges, five year financial plans, etc., can be located on the Finance page of this website.

Community Charter

Below are sections of the Community Charter relevant to: Municipal Purposes and Powers, Open Meetings, Public Notice and Access to Records, Council Proceedings, and Bylaw Procedures.  The Community Charter deals with many more topics than listed below.  What is found below is in one way or another related to Bylaws.

Part 2

Division 1 - Purposes and Fundamental Powers
Division 2 - Scope of Jurisdiction
Division 3 - Ancillary Powers

Part 4

Division 3 - Open Meetings
Division 4 - Public Notice and Access to Records

Part 5

Division 2 - Council Proceedings
Division 3 - Bylaw Procedures