Ice Cream

As far back as the second century BC, “ice cream” has been around. Ice cream was originally just snow or ice flavored with with honey, nectar, fruits, and juices? Many years later a recipe from Italy was discovered that resembled what we now know as “sherbet”. By the 17th century (1600s), ice cream was a regular frozen dessert on Charles I dinner table, and by 1660, ice cream was available to the public. This ice cream was similar to what we call ice cream today.

Ice cream made its debut in America in the mid 1700s. Before the 1800, ice cream was a rare dessert mostly enjoyed by the elite, but by the late 19th century (1800s), ice cream was more widely available. By this time, Canada was getting started in the ice cream industry, and over the years and with new technological innovations and the media, the ice cream industry boomed.

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Indian Ice Cream

It is suggested that this dessert was first produced in the Interior Salish territory of BC. “Indian Ice Cream”, also known as “Sxusem” (s-khushem) or “soapberry whip”, is a whipped dessert made from soapberries, water, and a sweetener such as sweet berries or sugar.

Traditionally the ingredients were put in a birch bark bowl and whipped together with timber grass, maple or cedar bark, thimble berry branches or salal branches. The berries were crushed, water poured, and sweetener added, and if whipped briskly, this process would only take you 10 minutes. The final product would be a foamy consistency similar  to when you whip egg whites.

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Ashcroft’s Ice Cream History

One of Ashcroft’s most popular places to be was Campbell’s Ice Cream shop in the early 1900s. Mr. Campbell featured homemade ice-cream, soda pop, and other sweet treats for those hot summer days. In 1927 from the United States, a new invention hit the market, the INSTANTFREESE ice-cream maker. This machine allowed you to make ice-cream at home in 30 seconds or less, and with only a few ingredients such as milk, cream, sugar, and your desired flavouring. This ice-cream maker not only could make ice-cream, but also sherbet, ice (similar to a slushie), and frappes. Would you purchase an INSTANTFREESE and make your own ice-cream at home, or would you go to an ice cream shop instead?

Campbell’s Ice Cream Shop- Outside and Inside View

Acme The 5-Minute Ice Cream Freezer, patented 1912

INSTANTFREESE Ice Cream Maker, 1927

Artifacts from the Campbell’s Ice Cream Shop display at the Museum


Did you know…

Marble counter tops were used in the older stores because if you a coin on them, you could tell if the coin was counterfeit or real because of the sound it made.

Make your own ice cream!– Click on the ice cream cone below to look at some recipes!