Make a Cannery Label

Get creative and make your own cannery label!



  • An empty can in whatever size can you want- Make sure the label is off the can (to easily get the label off, soak in warm water and peel it off)
  • Construction paper- Coloured or white
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Felt marker, pencil crayons, and/or crayons



1. Find an empty can that does not have a label on it

2. Get a piece of construction paper (white or coloured)

3. Cut a rectangle out of your paper that will fully wrap around the outside of your can

4. Once you have a rectangle that is the right size, decorate one side of the paper- Does the label have the name of your cannery on it? Does the label tell you what is inside of the can?

5. Once you have decorated your label, tape the label around the can. Make sure the opening of the empty can is on the top

6. Optional: Make your can a pencil holder by storing pencils, pens, erasers, etc. in it. OR. Use it as a coin collector and put any coins you find around the house in it. There are many ways you can utilize our can