Writing a Letter

A soldier by the name of Chris Bose who was born in Ashcroft, served in World War 1 and unfortunately he passed away in combat on March 1, 1917. On December 25, 1916, somewhere in France, Chris wrote this letter to his sisters:

“Dear Sisters,

Just a line to let you know we are having a fine xmas and fine is right, Bully Beef and Hard tack for dinner today, but it could be worse, but not very much for haven’t a cent to cheer it up any. We are all the same, am writing this in our room and it is a barn in some French town. Can’t tell you all I would like to because they would tear it up. I am in the same Battalion that Harry Vixstrom is and crazy Joe which worked for the Thompsons.

Harry and Peat. Duncan send their best regards. Sam and Peat McAbee are in the same out bunch. Private Boyle he is here too and has cold feet he wishes the War would end every day. Haven’t got much more to say only the weather and its fine it only rains when the sun don’t shine and I haven’t seen it yet and I don’t think they got a sun in this country. You want to write once or twice a month for you don’t want to look for one from me only when you get one and that will be about one a month. Well must close for my fingers is very near froze.”

How would you respond to Chris?

Try writing a letter to Chris or another soldier you know that is in the army.