2024 Community Consultation Summary

In May, the community of Ashcroft responded through more than 50 survey submissions, two weeks of farmers market stands and two face-to-face community consultations. Here is a summary of what was shared.


The number one thing appreciated most about Ashcroft today is the sense of community and small town feel. This was followed by the weather/climate and landscape.

Community Consultation Workshop - One Thing

“Ashcroft was home even when I didn’t live here.”

“I have lived here for 54 years, the primary thing that i have noticed is very gratifying and that is that there are no, absolutely no, differing levels of society, when someone new moves here we all just sort of move over and welcome them in, no matter the circumstances.”

“If it wasn’t for the community, I don’t know what I would do.”

“A sense of community I never thought I would ever find.”

“The one thing I appreciate most about Ashcroft is how this quaint heritage town evokes a feeling of connection and home for people.”

“The dry, warm air.”


The quality unique to Ashcroft that had the most mentions was the desert and the geography followed by the weather/climate.

Unique Quality Word Cloud

“The fact that it is Canada’s true only desert makes it quite unique, with cacti and other desert flora. Most people, when they think of towns in Canada, never imagine a desert-like community with extremely hot summers.”

“Picturesque desert community with water and farms….much like a Oasis.”

“It’s off the beaten track. There are no big box, no drive-thrus…The town is compact and surrounded by unique and stunning scenery.”


The words used to describe Ashcroft were vast and varied with weather/climate/seasons most frequently mentioned followed by natural beauty, community, farms/ranches, friendly people, history/heritage, river, arts and amenities.

Ashcroft Words Cloud


The most prominent inspiration was the Thompson River followed by the mountains/hills. The old fire hall, cactus flowers and sage brush were also well noted.

Ashcroft Inspiration Cloud

“When I come into Ashcroft the bridge across the river is like a gateway to all the village has to offer. Again, it brings me back to the river. It is what I think of when I think of Ashcroft, crossing the river.”

“Indigenous history of elephant hill being the crying sisters, the tear marks are obvious when you know..”


Desert beauty and small-town charm were words described to encourage a person, who had never visited Ashcroft, to stop by for a visit.

Ashcroft Visitors Word Cloud

“Discover the perfect blend of desert beauty and small-town allure in this hidden gem of British Columbia.”

“Only true desert in Canada”

“Friendly small-town atmosphere, lots of services and amenities, public art, heritage sites, landscape.”

“It’s a cute little village with lots of unique art pieces riddled throughout the community. Desert Hills and great hiking!”

“I would say it’s a cool spot and an opportunity to turn down the noise for a moment and reflect on the beautiful surroundings.”

“That it is more than you expect with lots of nuggets and activities offered. Plus the people that put them on and involved are a wonderful core of people.”

“Get out of your vehicle and stroll the town. Check out the museum & the local farm & take a break in the park, or swim at the pool.”


According to all contributions a new logo for The Village of Ashcroft would need to communicate:

Ashcroft Logo Cloud

“It has to be self-explanatory.”

“It’s a gem nestled in the mountains, fed by the mighty Thompson river.”

“Optimism, Respect for the land ( the ospreys) and people that have lived here forever, including the waves of people that have moved through it looking for fortune and well being.”

“The new logo should evoke a sense of warmth, welcome, and curiosity, inviting newcomers to explore Ashcroft’s unique charm, vibrant culture, and rich heritage.”

“We are a desert. A welcoming, peaceful place to relax and remove themselves from the frenetic urgency that is so much a part of our current world.”

“Something that screams, I’m unique to other towns in BC based on my topography but also, the people.”

“We are a desert community.”

“Not to go for a modern or “in” logo. Be the village. Unique as Ashcroft is in the heritage aspects, artistic flare and neighbour orientated.”


Greens, desert earth tones, then yellows, blues, reds were all suggested as representing Ashcroft.

Chart of colour suggestions for Ashcroft

“Greens for the sage, cactus, pine trees, pops of green as you drive down the hill into town.”

“Tans and grey highlighting the desert atmosphere and the green from the Oasis effect of irrigation”

 “Everlasting sunshine, friends, blooming cactus…” (Yellows and gold)

“Blue skies, Thompson river…”

“A nod to indigenous culture and the vibrant hues found in nature.” (Turquiose)

“Blue skies, Thompson river…”

“Purple wildflowers”

“White stars”


Some final Words shared by participants…

“Ashcroft is the friendliest community I have lived in.”

“Whatever you choose, it needs to stay the same.”

“We aren’t just one thing…..‘The Railroad town that grew’ The past=rich history of mining, ranching. Present=Modern, growing industries and they both prosper. Family saying ‘you’ll always find a job in Ashcroft’”

“The feeling of driving through the bluffs, and then the view of an Oasis in the middle of a desert. It is breathtaking.”

“Please make it simple, clear and easily inviting.”

“Ashcroft is a step back in time, but it’s also an aspirational future where we live with clean air, close to nature, supportive of each other, industrious and creative.”

“Safe environment to raise a family and for senior citizens to thrive with most amenities close by”

Thank you to all who participated in the consultation process. Each contribution has been immensely valuable and greatly appreciated.

View the designs that were developed from this process.